Monday, September 9, 2013

Well, it was a Monday

The work day had plenty of ups and downs...
   The ups:
     - caught up on a lot of paperwork and assessments
     - the residents I met with were easy to please
   The downs:
     - one of the other managers on my team were let go today
     - one of my favorite residents is not doing well, and likely passing away soon 
Work was work, and all in all, a Monday...

I did get my Crosstraining in today, I have been so less than consistent on my scheduled Crosstraining days, so I was happy when I finished, although my legs were feeling fine after my sixteen miles yesterday, so they really wanted to run... They will be fresh tomorrow. So I spun, on my spinning bike, in the living room while watching Monday Night Football. Bill is a Philly's fan (I forgive him for this major flaw because he likes my fav college team) so he was watching the game too. I am going to walk a few miles too tonight, and try to drag the girls along. 

I read a great little article on the Runners World website, I enjoyed the overall message of overcoming pain with running, after all that's how I started running marathons. I am not religious however, so all the religious references were lost on me... Check it out: Bless Your Heart

Which got me thinking about when I started training for my first marathon. Three years ago, well four this December, the girls' father and I were going through our divorce. I was in so much pain, felt so deceived, and like this little world I worked so hard to build was falling down around me. I felt like I had no control, I felt so horrible about myself, and like I was a miserable failure. I remember going on that first angry run, the first run that I just ran because I was pissed and I was hurt. I ran hard, I ran fast and my lungs felt like they were going to explode. And I ran a long ways, and runnning. And I just kept running until I felt better and I went home and I slept. It felt good. It felt healthy. And for once, during these dark months, I had control over something, I could see that I would be okay, and for the first time, I found my peace. 

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