Thursday, August 29, 2013

Turns out 89 degrees isn't much better to run in than 95 degrees...

Another hot run... 88 degrees, 6.1 miles, pace 8.0 min/mi... And my foot is totally killing me. Damn. I really was hoping it would be feeling better today. Ugh. Thankful for my embarrassing looking socks and Bio-freeze because whether they are helping my foot or not, they are amazing post-run. 

As I listen to Bill and his buddy Zach do their fantasy football draft I am reminded, it's football season!!!!
I LOVE THE 49ers and they will be in Seattle, Sept 15th, thinking that I will need to get tickets, I mean, it's right before my birthday and all. 
This is how nerdy Bill and Zach look right now... Ha!!!

And tomorrow night we are heading to Seattle for Bumbershoot, which is a ton of bands and comedians on a bunch of different stages around downtown Seattle. Really looking forward to it! Will be a great time!!! Plus, I LOVE Seattle!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Not my best decision...

Well, because the girls started back to school this morning, and they will be getting on the bus at 7am and I am planning to be heading to work around that time, I am moving my running time to afternoons... But today's decision to run around 4:30pm in 95 degrees was not my best decision... What was supposed to be a tempo nine mile RUN turned out to be a miserable, slow, 6.5 mile JOG... I don't use the term jog, jogging or jogger to talk about my running, but today I am using that dirty little word... But my cotton tank and capris were too hot and I was sweating like pig... Not one of more attractive moments...

By the way, I also used my amazing, expensive ($44) compression socks for the first time tonight and even though I look like a total idiot in knee high socks that take a small miracle to get into, they feel great. They feel like getting an amazing leg massage without any of the awkward touching of a stranger. I wonder sometimes if Bill ever looks at me and thinks, 'what the hell am I doing with this nerd' as I walk around the house in these ridiculous looking socks and spandex shorts... Poor guy. 

These are the socks:

On a positive note, my foot wasn't as horrible as it was previously. It didn't feel like the burning sensation it did when it was fractured before, so I am really, really hoping the bone is just bruised. I did slather on some super Bio-Freeze that a wonderful co-worker found for me, and even if it isn't helping or healing my wimpy foot, it still feels pretty damn good. 

And because I'm a mom and I think my girls are amazing and adorable, here are their first day of school pictures. :) you will see the OGIO backpacks from my OGIO sponsorship!!! I also got a sweet new purse!!!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Do you hear me foot?

My foot and I are clearly not seeing eye to eye on this marathon situation. 

Me: "foot, I gave you three days off to heal"
Foot: "walking 13000 steps at Silverwood doesn't count"
Me: "c'mon, I wrapped you up!"
Foot: "I am so sore"
Me: "we did our cross training day on the treadmill, what more do you want from me???"
Foot: "to heal, you bitch!"
Me: "fuck you foot!"
(It just got nasty from there...)

So, sitting here, icing my tender foot, pissily (and yes grammar nazis, I know that isn't a word). After a 3.7 mile test run on the treadmill, today my foot wins...

On a plus, ended the girls' summer break with a fun trip to Silverwood. :)

Friday, August 23, 2013

Stress Fracture

It only would make sense after the chaotic week that I've had that my foot would start hurting. I mean I have less than six weeks til the marathon and I haven't had an injury yet... So of course, OF COURSE, my foot would start hurting... This hurt feels eerily familiar to the stress fracture my same foot endured three years ago... And dammit I'm running that marathon. If I have to limp the whole thing, I AM RUNNING IT. Fuck you foot. 
We are currently headed out of town for Spokane for the weekend. This is my ridiculous looking foot. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Hi, I'm Haili & Graci's Mom **in a bikini**

Let's just start this little post out by saying, I am extremely self conscious... Extremely. And until meeting Bill, and him helping me with this horrible self image that I have, I owned ONE pair of shorts, ONE (that technically I didn't own, but I stole fair and square from my sister, but in fairness she didn't like them...). Anyways, being around people, especially strangers or people that I do not know well in my bathing suit is not something that I enjoy. We did take the kids to aquatic center last weekend, and we did have a good time, but I knew only Bill and the kids and talked to NO ONE but them. So last night the school had a "back to school event" at the Aquatic Center. Who in their right mind wants to meet the parents of all their children's classmates, that you will likely know and be around for the next ten or eleven years in their bathing suit? Are you kidding me? Thankfully, after having a slight anxiety issue in the parking lot, we got there and it wasn't nearly like I had expected. One, Bill did not swim, therefore I did not feel obligated to swim. Two, only about half of the other parents actual swam, so I didn't feel like the parents that were the party-poopers. So thankful last night, I did not meet any parents in my bikini. :) They had a little BBQ set up for the kids, we did meet a few of the other parents and all-in-all it went quite well. 

This morning was a nice seven mile loop. It was dark out when I got up, which means that soon I am going to have to either start running at night or on my treadmill... School starts next Tuesday and that alone is going to put all kinds of kinks in my perfect running routine... Do I run after work when I am totally mentally drained? Will I start skipping runs because I am tired and have a million other things in my life that need my attention? How will I get long runs in when all I can think about is getting home to Bill and the girls, and the laundry, and the girls' homework, and dinner???? And then I think, if I just run on my treadmill again, will I get the benefits of running outside that I truly need for my marathon? Ugh... Double Ugh. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Mommy Guilt

I cannot blog enough about the peace that my morning runs bring me. I know not everyone is a morning person, but I totally am. I remember as a small child waking up at 6am on every weekend day, ready to take on the whole world, regardless of what my mom thought about it. That has never changed for me. When I do sleep in, and I do on the weekend, my whole day is off, unproductive and my mood is foul... (Ask Bill, he can vouch for my need for a morning run.) This morning was no different. I woke just three minutes before my alarm, "Burn the Witch", started playing from my phone, announcing to me to get up and get in my running shoes... 

I am selfish in the mornings. I mean totally selfish. When you get married, you give that other person your time, your attention, your support, your love. When you have children you give them whatever time, attention, support and love you have left to give. And you realize that your world is no longer just your world. That you cannot go to grocery store without considering how that effects everyone else in your home. Well 5am to 7am, is my time, my time alone, my time to be selfish, my time to do my thing... So my alarm goes off at 5am, and I selfishly have it across the room forcing me to get out of bed to shut it off, thus the alarm also wakes up Bill, SELFISH DEED #1. Bill never has complained about this, ever... I then kiss Bill all over his face, paying no attention to the fact that he is sleeping soundly and has no desire to wake up at that time, SELFISH DEED #2. I then change, grab my shoes, my iPod, and hat/headband from my 'running drawer', making noise which continues to keep Bill up, SELFISH DEED #3. I then kiss Bill a few more times, he tells me to be safe, and I head out the door, I do hut it behind me, because I am not done being noisy, SELFISH DEED #4. I go out and make my coffee, stretch a little, remind myself that I need to run, that the marathon is coming, and ultimately make my way out the door. I drive to wherever I have mapped my run from and park the car... I leave my cell phone in the car. No one, no emergency at home or at work will interrupt my run, this hour is all mine, so if something  is going to happen that will need my immediate attention, I highly recomend that it wait until after 6:30-7am, SELFISH DEED #5. And then I run. I do not think about the chores at home I could be doing, I do not think about the work that I left undone the day before, I do not think about anyone, at all, but me, my run, my time, my pace, how my body feels, this is my time, SELFISH DEED #6. When I am done, I am back to the real world, back home, back to obligations, back to real life. But that selfish time, that is all mine, absolutely mine.

That whole giant rant just brings me to another point... Mommy Guilt. My oldest daughter is athletic, she is driven and she a ball of fiery energy. She has been asking if when I wake up in the morning to run, I will wake her up and let her go with me. This is where Mommy Guilt enters. I know it is important to encourage her desire to run, I know that I should include her in my morning runs, and I know that I should wake her up and take her with me... But I don't. I have a list of reasons, it's 5am, she's 7 years old and needs her sleep, its chilly out, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. But it really boils down to the fact that I need this time alone, I need that piece of mind. I am a better mom, a better wife, a better employee, a better all around person when I run and have something that is my own... But I struggle with telling her no, with such a request. I need to find time to run with her... But after running 30 miles a week, I just don't want to run more... Ugh, I need to figure this out...

My goal this week, take my baby girl for a run, and see her smiling face as she beams at me with the pride she does when she is doing something she knows I will be proud of her for... Cause she isn't going to want to run with me forever... Isn't she gorgeous? 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Skipping Right to Monday :)

Monday Morning was a terrific 4.5 mile run to start the week. Couldn't find my iPod this morning, so ran without it, which I NEVER do. It was pretty nice, listening to the river, the birds and the rhythm of m feet... Nice way to start the day. 

Thursday Morning...

Had a terrific run Thursday morning, a 7 mile tempo run that could not have gone better... Great splits and great overall speed. Felt great. 
Followed by my favorite post-run smoothie with protein and glutamine. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Dragging Ass on Tuesday but Killing It On Wednesday!

Tuesday was just all around an "off day" for me... My alarm went off, I went back to sleep, I usually give myself three minutes from my alarm to get up, yesterday I gave it ONE HOUR... So because of that lazy, lazy move, I had to take my run on my treadmill. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE MY TREADMILL, but I wasn't feeling it today, my morning running blogs that I usually read were not good running material (at least not as motivating as I like), Facebook was lame, and I was just NOT feeling it... Watched my display hit 2 miles, and I finally decided to do Pilates and count Tuesday as my Cross-Training Day... So when I miss my run, or my run stinks, my whole day is just "off". Work was fine, but I certainly wasn't at my best...

Last night, after work, Bill and I took the boats out, to our favorite little area, with the girlies. Which always, always is a nice way to spend some time with girls (allowing them to get some energy out) and to focus on Bill, just relaxing and visiting.

This morning went much better though I am happy to report. :) Was up at 5am and did not fall back into my snuggly, snuggly spot next to Bill. Wore this cute little tank top that my sister bought me, that totally makes me feel like a badass when I run, and got my ass down to the levee... I was a little sore this morning, my knee and ankle... Not sure what that is about, but took some Ibuprofen before I started, and about mid-run my body gave in. :) It was perfect out. My run felt really good, finishing 5 miles in pretty good splits. And amazingly my entire morning fell into place... I have this unbelievable surge of energy after a good run, so when I got home, I cleaned out the entire fridge and the entire pantry, putting everything back in it's proper place and reminding myself which produce needs to be eaten, made and packed my lunch, and then made dinner in the crock pot so we could go back out on the boats tonight. :) See what happens when I just get my ass up in the morning???? 

Well just finishing my lunch, better get back to the daily grind at work, which also, is going great.   

Monday, August 12, 2013

Running in Washington is like running in an animal reserve...

This morning was a perfect 6 mile loop around the bridges. It was a wonderful run after a stressful week and weekend... I felt great. My legs have forgiven for last weekend. The weather was perfect, cool after a storm last night. Perfect conditions...

The cool thing about running in Washington is every morning is like running on some kind of animal reserve. This morning was no exception, came around the bend on the first mile and there were two huge whitetail bucks on the path, not alongside it, not by it, ON IT. They didn't startle, they didn't run, I didn't slow my pace or move toward them and they just stood there. On the fourth or so mile, came across a squirrel that turned toward me, assuming I was there to feed it, I am not a fan of all the overly friendly squirrels taking over the levee, so NO FOOD FOR YOU!!! Last but not least, just before rounding the levee to the car, there was a momma quail and her line of a dozen or so little tiny babies following behind her. 

Great little morning, starting my week out right. 

Today, Bill ran his first run, that's right, BILL IS TRAINING!!! Woo hoo!!! And he looked good in running clothes soaked in sweat. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Ending the week...

Thursday… Wow. Long, long day…


Started the morning with a seven mile tempo run on the levee. Bill’s mom joined me, she started walking at the beginning of where I was running, and when she saw that I had turned around she did too. Bill’s mom is about the neatest lady I’ve ever met, she is this super cute, active, ball of energy with so much love for the people around her. The girls have already started calling her grandma, it speaks immensely about what kind of person she is. And I just love visiting with her. After our little workout, we sat and drank coffee until the nanny showed up, which is when I usually leave for work!


Work was long yesterday, there are days that I just feel like my job consumes every ounce of what I have available. It can be so mentally taxing, and wanting to take such good care of these people, sometimes when it is out of my control… Anyways,  a very unhappy family and an investigation, both in one day, on top of families coming in to the facility and two admissions… Stress…


Thursday night is gymnastics for the girls, they are getting so good. It impresses me their dedication and improvement since they started. My brother, who is an Arm Private that just graduated from EOD training was there last night too, he is still home through next week. His girlfriend that I had never met was with him too, really sweet girl. The boys, Bill and his mom all also came and watched the girls. It was nice for them to have a crowd and show off their abilities. J


We had the boys’ second birthday party Thursday night too, had my sister and her boyfriend over as well as everyone from gymnastics. The boys shared Bill’s oldest sons birthday a few weeks ago and this week they shared Bill’s middle son’s birthday. It is always nice to have a full house, everyone talking and laughing and playing… By the time the night ended, it was after ten and I was exhausted.


Friday… Last early morning of the week… Last day of the work week. Soooooo ready, and so glad it is Friday. Ran this morning on the levee, an easy four miles, honestly, a very slow one, it was after 11:30 before I made it to bed, so 5am came too soon. I was thinking the whole time how much peace my runs bring me. It gives me every bit of calm I need to make it through the day. And it was a long rough day...

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Marathon Called Life...

Well yesterday, my computer and I got into a fight and my computer won. I completed my blog post and then my computer crashed… Sad, sad day. And because I was so mad at it, I didn’t get back in to redo it… So here we go again…

Wednesdays are now set up in my schedule for Cross-training days, and to be perfectly honest, I am no fan of cross-training… I have no idea why this is other than I increase my mileage by about 3 miles a week, and taking a day to not run and do something else kind of seems pointless to me… But I was reading on about the importance of training other muscle groups and how much that builds your overall endurance… And I love riding my bike… So, at 5am, I headed out on my bike and the bonus of the ride??? Bill came with me!!!!!! Bill is not a morning person, at all, but he told me the night before that he wanted to come, loaded the bikes and sure enough got right up with me to go. How lucky am I??? It was a nice 8 mile loop, and after how crazy busy we have been with my race last weekend and the chaos surrounding it and all the travel, having all the kids this week, Bill’s mom coming into town last night, and just our busy jobs, it was really nice to have that alone time with him, honestly it really was what I needed… Our lives get so hectic sometimes, so the time we do have is great…

On that note, sometimes I feel like our days are like running a marathon every single day… That we just keep running from task to task, that by the time we hit the end of the day we just crash… My daily routine normally (I’ll give an example when the boys aren’t here as that totally changes the dynamic of our house, my routine and how our house usually runs…)

5am: My alarm goes off, wrapped into Bill’s snuggle embrace is sooo difficult to climb out of, and occasionally I turn off my alarm and snuggle back in for about ten minutes longer. Then the day begins… I go out, start my tea, drink my  pre-workout (it takes about 20 minutes to start working), drink 16oz of water, eat my peanut butter and bread pre-workout snack, go back in and pull on my running clothes and shoes, kiss Bill goodbye, down more water and head out to the levee. My run typically takes an hour and two on my longer run days… This is the one moment of the day that is all mine, that no one is needing anything, no one can ask me for help, time or energy, it is all mine. Let me tell you, this hour will make or break my day, missing my run truly can ruin my entire mind set for the day.

Sometime around 6:30ish: Back from my run, pour my tea, empty the dishwasher, change the load of laundry, put load of laundry away, pick up living room from night before, go downstairs and pick up the kids’ areas, wiggle the girls to see if they will wake up, go back up and sweep the kitchen, then go in and kiss all over Bill’s sleepy little face.

7am: Shower, kiss Bill some more, get dressed for work, go down and get the girls in the shower, make Bill’s oatmeal, make my smoothie, go down and dress the girls and do their hair, they follow me up to hang out in the living room, the nanny arrives at 7:55 promptly, line out the girls’ worksheets for the day, let the nanny know anything that is going on, kiss the girls’ little faces then head to work (ideally Bill drives me).

8:30ish: The work marathon begins, working as the only social worker in a skilled nursing facility is stressful, there are 75-85 people in our facility every single day that have unlimited access to me, their families come to me for everything from discharge planning, support, complaints, to just being the only person they feel they can ask miscellaneous questions of…

Noon: Ideally I have lunch with Bill. And ideally it is just the two of us. I love this moment of the day. Having his undivided attention, talking about our mornings, and just connecting for that hour is totally what I need for the rest of the day to go smoothly…

1ish until the end of the work day, like 4-5pm: Work marathon continues…

Our nights are usually super busy, it seems like we have something going on most every night. When it is hot we try to get out on our boats and when it is cool we try to go for a bike ride, the girls have gymnastics every Thursday night and we usually go out for ice cream afterward… We eat dinner late, like around 7:30 usually, I try to keep our meals healthy… I get the dishes done and do another load of laundry, between my three to four outfit changes a day (running, work and lounging around the house, and if we go swimming or bike riding another), the girls multiple outfit changes for play, swimming and fun, and Bill’s changing for the day, we have a ton of laundry… That doesn’t include our piles of towels and bedding changes… Around 9pm, the girls go to bed, and again, Bill and I finally have a little time alone… I don’t last long snuggled in to Bill, but we are usually awake til about 10-11pm. Then the marathon ends for the day. J

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Bathroom Break Mistake

5am, I wake up to "Burn the Witch", my alarm on my cell phone. I LOVE waking up to this song, seriously, love it. My alarm goes off, I have to have it away from my bed, otherwise, I slide the alarm and go back to sleep, and snuggling into Bill is INSANELY difficult to escape... I just want two more hours of sleep and to snuggle with him...

This morning's run was scheduled to be a 5 mile Tempo run. Had my Preworkout and my Preworkout snack. I can't run with much in my stomach without "losing" it, so I usually leave it to a half of a whole wheat sandwich thin and 1T of peanut butter, a cup of black tea and 16 oz of water. This is literally the perfect combo for my stomach, always making for an excellent run. I allow my stomach 20 minutes to start digesting before heading down to the levee. Parked on the end by the bathroom this morning... EPIC mistake. I always, and I mean ALWAYS have to go to the bathroom halfway through my run, so it makes more sense to park at the other end of my run, run to the bathroom and run back to the car... Today I take off from the car, get close to my turn around point, and realize I HAVE to go to the bathroom, HAVE TO. So I look around for cars, runners, walkers, bikers... The path and road is clear. I hop down the rocks to the edge of the river, and go to the bathroom. I happily climb back to  the levee, feeling relieved, lighter and happy with my pace to the halfway point, at the halfway point I realize... I don't have my key fob in my hand... and with horror realize I set it on the rock next to where I went to the bathroom... I look back down the levee and think, I am never gonna find that key... Ever... I run back to where I THINK I went to the bathroom... Pause my Nike+ tracking, and walk along the rocks, for a quarter of a mile, then I walk back... NO KEY. I start back down the rocks, thinking I am going to have to run home, have Bill drive me to the Acura and explain why I lost his Acura car key (mind you these keys cost $200-$300 for the key fob and the programming, according to I make it down the rocks the third time... No key. I climb my way back to the top and think sadly about my run time, my ruined run and the damn key... I look down the rocks, and there, sitting on a rock, right in front of my face, is the key. HALLELUJAH!!! So, grabbed the key and finished my run, in good time and thinking how funny the whole experience was. :)

Monday, August 5, 2013

Hellish Monday...

Crappy, crappy, crappy day... But I did get my four miles in first thing this morning and rearrange my training schedule... Here's to a better tomorrow. 

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Spartan Race Weekend in Portland

Left work early Friday to drive over to Portland. Spending long periods of time with Bill in the car alone, just the two of us, is actually something that I have grown quite fond of. We visit, laugh, listen to Bill's favorite podcasts and just have time to really listen to each other. We stopped just before we got to Bills parents' house at a sushi joint that was delicious.

After that Bill showed me around Vancouver, where he grew up, his parents' old house, his friends' houses, his bus stop, schools ect. It was nice to see all these things from Bill's youth. We met up with Bills older boys and his parents at thier home in a small town out of Vancouver. They are wonderful people, the kind of in laws you can only hope to have. Bills mom is this tiny, cute, bursting with energy loving and kind woman, that can bake the most heavenly food and his step dad a smart funny fisherman that loves his grand kids, like I said, great people. 
The morning of the race, the boys and Bill's parents all agreed to come with us.  We drove the fifty minutes to Washougal, to this MX park in the woods. Great place for the race. My brother, Alex, and my sister, Ashley, were already there. The Tenacious Trio!!!

And at the starting line...
Then came the hills and the heat. Looking back on it now, I overheated and quick, I think now it must have been a combination of my thermogenic and PreWorkout, because I was hot and light headed within the first mile... Once we hit the water slide and the freezing cold water, I felt a million times better. 

A few of the other events:
And yes, in these two photos below a man punched me to the ground...
Really was a great time, with my favorite people there either running with me or watching. All in all a great race.

SOOOOO....... HERE IS THE NEXT BIG NEWS: Bill is going to start training for a 5k, so when I run my marathon he will run a 5k, from there we are going to train for a Sprint Triathalon in March and an Olympic Distance in May! I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am to do this adventure with Bill. TOTALLY EXCITED. 

This weeks goals:
Crush my long run
Have at least one good hilly run
Switch my training schedule around so I get enough sleep
Focus on eating for endurance, not weight loss