Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Dragging Ass on Tuesday but Killing It On Wednesday!

Tuesday was just all around an "off day" for me... My alarm went off, I went back to sleep, I usually give myself three minutes from my alarm to get up, yesterday I gave it ONE HOUR... So because of that lazy, lazy move, I had to take my run on my treadmill. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE MY TREADMILL, but I wasn't feeling it today, my morning running blogs that I usually read were not good running material (at least not as motivating as I like), Facebook was lame, and I was just NOT feeling it... Watched my display hit 2 miles, and I finally decided to do Pilates and count Tuesday as my Cross-Training Day... So when I miss my run, or my run stinks, my whole day is just "off". Work was fine, but I certainly wasn't at my best...

Last night, after work, Bill and I took the boats out, to our favorite little area, with the girlies. Which always, always is a nice way to spend some time with girls (allowing them to get some energy out) and to focus on Bill, just relaxing and visiting.

This morning went much better though I am happy to report. :) Was up at 5am and did not fall back into my snuggly, snuggly spot next to Bill. Wore this cute little tank top that my sister bought me, that totally makes me feel like a badass when I run, and got my ass down to the levee... I was a little sore this morning, my knee and ankle... Not sure what that is about, but took some Ibuprofen before I started, and about mid-run my body gave in. :) It was perfect out. My run felt really good, finishing 5 miles in pretty good splits. And amazingly my entire morning fell into place... I have this unbelievable surge of energy after a good run, so when I got home, I cleaned out the entire fridge and the entire pantry, putting everything back in it's proper place and reminding myself which produce needs to be eaten, made and packed my lunch, and then made dinner in the crock pot so we could go back out on the boats tonight. :) See what happens when I just get my ass up in the morning???? 

Well just finishing my lunch, better get back to the daily grind at work, which also, is going great.   

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