Sunday, August 4, 2013

Spartan Race Weekend in Portland

Left work early Friday to drive over to Portland. Spending long periods of time with Bill in the car alone, just the two of us, is actually something that I have grown quite fond of. We visit, laugh, listen to Bill's favorite podcasts and just have time to really listen to each other. We stopped just before we got to Bills parents' house at a sushi joint that was delicious.

After that Bill showed me around Vancouver, where he grew up, his parents' old house, his friends' houses, his bus stop, schools ect. It was nice to see all these things from Bill's youth. We met up with Bills older boys and his parents at thier home in a small town out of Vancouver. They are wonderful people, the kind of in laws you can only hope to have. Bills mom is this tiny, cute, bursting with energy loving and kind woman, that can bake the most heavenly food and his step dad a smart funny fisherman that loves his grand kids, like I said, great people. 
The morning of the race, the boys and Bill's parents all agreed to come with us.  We drove the fifty minutes to Washougal, to this MX park in the woods. Great place for the race. My brother, Alex, and my sister, Ashley, were already there. The Tenacious Trio!!!

And at the starting line...
Then came the hills and the heat. Looking back on it now, I overheated and quick, I think now it must have been a combination of my thermogenic and PreWorkout, because I was hot and light headed within the first mile... Once we hit the water slide and the freezing cold water, I felt a million times better. 

A few of the other events:
And yes, in these two photos below a man punched me to the ground...
Really was a great time, with my favorite people there either running with me or watching. All in all a great race.

SOOOOO....... HERE IS THE NEXT BIG NEWS: Bill is going to start training for a 5k, so when I run my marathon he will run a 5k, from there we are going to train for a Sprint Triathalon in March and an Olympic Distance in May! I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am to do this adventure with Bill. TOTALLY EXCITED. 

This weeks goals:
Crush my long run
Have at least one good hilly run
Switch my training schedule around so I get enough sleep
Focus on eating for endurance, not weight loss

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