Yesterday, CrossFit at 5am with my sister. One, I love to workout in the morning. Two, I love to workout with my sister, who is pretty much the coolest chick ever. And three, I got my run in. Boom. Day accomplished by 8am. Woot. Need to figure out how I am going to swing all the calorie burn of running and CrossFitting. When I got everything for the day all tallied up I was about 1000 calories shy if my caloric need... Luckily I had some wine standing by for such an occasion bringing me another terribly unhealthy 300 calories of pure bliss... So I need to look at that today and figure out how to healthily (is that a word?) fill the gap...
This morning CrossFit was crazy. A warm up of rowing, spinning and jump rope followed by an Ab WOD (which made me very happy) and then GI Jane, OHH no big deal, BUT 100 BURPEE PULL-UPs (hence the torn hands). Part way through the workout I thought, maybe just dying here on the BOX floor would be less uncomfortable then finishing this workout and doing one footed burpees... But no, as you can see, I did not die. My plan prior to CrossFit was to drive directly from the box to the levee for a three mile run... I did drive there. I did get out with my change of shoes and my music in... But when I made mile .25 and was shaking related to one nearly dying approximately 15 minutes prior and having not eaten anything since my wine the night before I knew that it was not to be... So... Gonna seriously have to figure out this food situation and plan a little better. And figure out how to either squeeze three miles into my day today between work and the girls' last softball game and having my step sons and in-laws staying at the house or give up my rest day tomorrow and run then... Whether or not I CrossFit...
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