Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday... Monday...

Wow, what a better week this has already started off to be. Up early, slept well, no stomach issues, energy back... Woo hoo! Ran an 11 mile long run, mapped it out last night on, from the Asotin parking lot to the loop just beyond the new bridge is just over 11 miles... It was a cool 64 degrees this morning when I parked, the sun hadn't come up over the hill yet, and there was a nice breeze across the water. It was downright peaceful, and one of those long runs that reminds me of why I started running to begin with. To find peace. And today, my run delivered. Came back home with time to stretch really, really good, my back has been a little stiff lately, do a few household chores and kiss on Bill a little. Made a good smoothie with protein and glutamine. Off to a great start. 

Work has been quiet so far today, lots of new residents, so lots of assessments due, but breezing right through them. Had a wonderful lunch with Bill, which truly is the perfect break in my day, we sit and laugh, talk about our days, our work things, and make plans for the evening. It is an amazing feeling having your husband be your best friend and confidant all at the same time. And the fact that I trust Bill, whole-heartedly is quite amazing to me.

Tonight we are taking the girls out on the river. We got them new tubes, that should be eaiser to pull when we are rowing, since they are plastic with no cloth liners. Looking forward to the day ending as wonderfully as it started. 

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