Thursday, December 5, 2013


Boom is exactly how I feel today! 

Ms. Kimbo has decided that she wants to wake up at 4:40a, 20 min before my alarm... Cruel move Kimbo, cruel move. Up at 4:40, made my coffee, did 30 minutes of Pilates, then went and ran on my treadmill for 3 miles, and finally took that rotten little monster Kimbo for her walk (19 degrees out?!?!?!).

Work was intense. Lots of craziness. But the day flew by. Haili was home sick today. 😷 poor little thing. Luckily she had Bill to hang out with. :) they watched movies and played video games all day. Lucky thing!!! 😏

Kimbo is learning so quickly with her clicker training, sitting every time I use it. And tonight she even played fetch! Totally the smartest little puppy ever!!!

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