Sunday, December 8, 2013

Running Self Assessment

Just finished reading Run Faster from the 5k to the Marathon by Brad Hudson. Part of the wealth of knowledge in this book is doing a running self assessment, so this morning as everyone around me sleeps and snores except for wild Kimbo you will get to partake in that. Oh, you're welcome. 

1. Recent Running
Most recently trained but did not run the Portland Marathon,  commpleting 20 mile tempo run as my longest training run four weeks before the race date. Running currently roughly 19-25 miles per week and increasing. Poor cross-training, running instead, needs improvement. 

2. Running Experience
Continuous running experience is three years, with two completed marathons, and dozens on shorter distance runs. Major training priorities hill sprints, hill intervals, and short intervals. 

3. Age
Ideally running mileage maximum 66 +/- miles per week (Uhh... Who am I kidding even writing that???). Muscles, bones, joints and endocrine system are far better designed for hard training than they were at a younger age.  

4. Past Race Performances
Marathon PR: 4 hours 11 minutes
5k PR: 21:15 minutes
This year, my goal is to focus on speed, and hopefully be a year filled with PRs free of injury!

5. Short Term Goal
Focus on sub-4 marathon for first marathon this year, CDA is May 25th. All the shorter races prior to CDA to focus on speed, endurance and aerobic development in my lungs. 

6. Injury History
Foot fracture in 2008 while running my first marathon. Foot pain while training for Portland Marathon this year but without injury. 

7. Event Specific Strength and Weakness
My strength is definitely my endurance, when I am feeling good I can run a steady pace for easily 30 miles when training went as planned. My weakness being speed, this year I am devoting to focusing hard on speed work, I would like to see a huge improvement in this area. 

8. Recovery Profile
Hard workouts per week, usually two, one race tempo run and one speed workout. Distribution of these workouts, are usually separated by three days. Amount of running between these two workouts, long run and two other distance runs. My body recovers well from difficult runs. 

9. Long Term Goal
Eventually qualifying for Boston Marathon. This truly is a long term goal, as I would need to shave a fair amount of time off my current Marathon PR. 

10. Motivational Profile
This is actually the oddest part of this assessment for me. What motivates me? I love to run. I love to attain goals that I have set for myself. I like the way my body feels when I am working out hard and frequently. Running relives stress from my life, and I need that. I'm a better mom, wife and all-around person when I am getting my runs in. So, personal reasons??? 

This Weeks Workouts:

Sunday: Slow and Steady 5 miles
Monday: 3 Mile Race Tempo Run
Tuesday: 30 Minute Tempo Run
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 3 Mile Pace Run
Friday: Slow and Steady 5 miles
Saturday: 3 Mile Pace Run

Leg Strength Training Sunday & Thursday. 

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